Friday, October 26, 2012

1968 NHL Intra-League Draft

By request here are the results of the 1968 NHL Intra-League Draft, held June 12. Each team protected 14 skaters and two goalies, and the draft price was $30,000.

The protected lists were as follows:

Boston BruinsChicago Black HawksDetroit Red WingsLos Angeles KingsMinnesota North StarsMontreal Canadiens
Gerry CheeversDenis DeJordyRoger CrozierGerry DesjardinsChuck GoddardRogie Vachon
Eddie JohnstonDave DrydenRoy EdwardsWayne RutledgeCesare ManiagoGump Worsley
Don AwreyDennis HullRon AndersonBryan CampbellDave BalonRalph Backstrom
Johnny BucykBobby HullBobby BaunBill FlettAndre BoudriasJean Beliveau
Wayne CashmanDoug JarrettGary BergmanBrent HughesWayne ConnellyYvan Cournoyer
Gary DoakChico MakiAlex DelvecchioTed IrvineRay CullenDick Duff
Phil EspositoWayne MakiKent DouglasEddie JoyalBill GoldsworthyJohn Ferguson
Ted GreenGilles MarotteRon HarrisSkip KrakeDanny GrantTerry Harper
Ken HodgePit MartinGordie HoweGod LabossiereClaude LaroseTed Harris
John McKenzieStan MikitaNick LibettReal LemieuxMilan MarcettaJacques Laperriere
Glen SatherDoug MohnsBruce MacGregorLowell MacDonaldBob McCordJacques Lemaire
Eddie ShackEric NesterenkoFrank MahovlichPoul PopielJ.P. PariseHenri Richard
Dallas SmithJim PappinDean PrenticeDoug RobinsonJim PateronBobby Rousseau
Fred StanfieldBobby SchmautzPete StemkowskiDale RolfeBill PlagerSerge Savard
Ed WestfallPat StapletonJim WatsonBill WhiteBob WoytowichGilles Tremblay
Tom WilliamsKen Wharram Bob WallMike McMahonJ.C. Tremblay
New York RangersOakland SealsPhiladelphia FlyersPittsburgh PenguinsSt. Louis BluesToronto Maple Leafs
Eddie GiacominCharlie HodgeDoug FavellLes BinkleyGlenn HallJohnny Bower
Gilles VillemureGary SmithBernie ParentJoe DaleySeth MartinBruce Gamble
Arnie BrownJohn BrennemanDick CherryLou AngottiAl ArbourRon Ellis
Reg FlemingLarry CahanGary DornhoeferJohn ArbourRed BerensonPaul Henderson
Rod GilbertNorm FergusonJean GauthierAndy BathgateCraig CameronBryan Hextall
Phil GoyetteStan FullerEarl HeiskalaLeo BoivinTerry CrispLarry Hillman
Vic HadfieldTed HampsonJim JohnsonWally BoyerDarryl EdestrandTim Horton
Wayne HillmanBilly HarrisForbes KennedyVal FonteyneLarry KeenanDave Keon
Harry HowellBill HickeAndre LacroixEarl IngarfieldAb McDonaldMurray Oliver
Orland KurtenbachGary JarrettJohn MiszukGeorge KonikNoel PicardPierre Pilote
Don MarshallBert MarshallSimon NoletDunc McCallumBarclay PlagerMarcel Pronovost
Jim NeilsonTracy PrattLeon RochefortKeith McCrearyBob PlagerBob Pulford
Bob NevinDoug RobertsBrit SelbyNoel PriceRejean RicherDuane Rupp
Jean RatelleGeorge SwarbrickBill SutherlandJean PronovostJim RobertsFloyd Smith
Rod SeilingBryan WatsonEd Van ImpeKen SchinkelGary SabourinNorm Ullman
Ron StewartHowie YoungJoe WatsonGene UbriacoRon SchockMike Walton

The draft results:

OverallPlayer ChosenByFromPlayer Removed
From Protected List
Claim player
or cash
Round 1
1Carol VadnaisOakland SealsMontreal CanadiensLarry CahanclaimClaude Provost
2Brian ConacherDetroit Red WingsToronto Maple LeafsGary MarshclaimGeorge Armstrong
3Charlie BurnsPittsburgh PenguinsOakland SealsGeorge KonikclaimBrian Perry
4Larry MickeyToronto Maple LeafsNew York RangersLarry HillmanclaimLarry Jeffrey
5Larry HillmanMinnesota North StarsNew York RangersBill PlagerclaimCamille Henry
6Jacques PlanteSt. Louis BluesNew York RangersSeth MartincashBob Jones
passLos Angeles
7Ron BuchananPhiladelphia FlyersBoston BruinsJean GauthierclaimTed Hodgson
passChicago Black Hawks
passBoston Bruins
passNew York Rangers
passMontreal Canadiens
Round 2
8Fern RivardMinnesota North StarsPhiladelphia FlyersChuck GoddardcashDon Blackburn
9Myron StankewiczSt. Louis BluesLos Angeles KingsRejean RichercashDave Amadio
Round 3
10Larry HalePhiladelphia FlyersMinnesota North StarsBill SutherlandclaimBill Collins
Round 4
11Bill SutherlandToronto Maple LeafsMinnesota North StarsDuane RuppclaimParker MacDonald

The big news this year was Oakland's picking Carol Vadnais first overall. Supposedly Montreal 'gifted' Vadnais to Oakland by leaving him off the protected list in lieu of another player the Seals wouldn't have wanted. The price of this courtesy—again, supposedly—was that the Seals sent their first and second round picks in 1973's amateur draft to the Canadiens for the Canadiens' second round pick in '72 and the right to draft Vadnais. I can't find any period sources to substantiate this.

As you can see Larry Hillman and Bill Sutherland had busy days. Within the span of minutes Hillman was claimed by the Rangers from the Leafs when the Leafs dropped him from their protected list to make room for Larry Mickey, and then was picked by the North Stars from the Rangers. Sutherland was similarly dropped by the Flyers, claimed by the North Stars and picked by the Maple Leafs.

George Konik, the player claimed from the Penguins after the Penguins picked Burns, never played in the NHL again. He chose 'retirement' over playing for the Seals. He had a college degree (he played hockey at the University of Denver) and an off-season job in Minnesota, so he chose to pursue that career instead. He played in the 'amateur' USHL and for the U.S. national team, having become a naturalized citizen. His last pro hockey was played in the '72-'73 season for the WHA's Minnesota Fighting Saints.


  1. Mark,

    I still refer to your valuable info frequently and look forward to additions to this blog. Might you have the protected lists for each NHL team for the 1968 Intra-League Draft?

  2. Mark,

    Thanks so much. Hope all is getting back to normal for all residents of Calgary area affected by the summer flood!

  3. "Hillman was claimed by the Rangers from the Leafs when the Leafs dropped him from their protected list "
    I don't see this transaction. Same for Sutherland for that matter. Perhaps the 'claims' need to be inserted as well?

    1. Hello Anon., the "claim player or cash" column in the results table was meant to indicate the 'claims' precisely so that a supplemental row didn't have to be added to the table for every player claimed as compensation. The gist was that the teams that lost a player were owed compensation, and it was their choice to either claim the player the other team had just dropped from their protected list to make room for the player picked, or just straight-up cash ($30,000 in 1968).

      In the case of Larry Hillman:

      - with the fourth pick the Leafs picked Larry Mickey from the Rangers
      - the Leafs put Mickey on their protected list and dropped Hillman from said list
      - the Rangers could either claim Hillman from the Leafs as compensation for the loss of Mickey, or take a $30,000 payment; they elected to claim Hillman, hence the bolded 'claim' in the "claim/cash" column
      - the Rangers were entitled to "fill in" their protected list with an additional player, to compensate further for the loss of Mickey; they added Larry Jeffrey. At this point Larry Hillman was on the Rangers roster, but NOT protected
      - with the very next pick the North Stars picked Hillman from the Rangers. The North Stars dropped Bill Plager from their protected list, and the Rangers claimed him as compensation. The Rangers added Camille Henry to their protected list.

      Larry Hillman was thus, on paper, a Ranger for a few minutes.

      Same thing happened with Bill Sutherland in the last couple picks. The Flyers picked Larry Hale from the North Stars. Sutherland was dropped from the Flyers protected list and the North Stars claimed him as compensation for the loss of Hale. The North Stars added Bill Collins to their protected list (but NOT Sutherland). The next pick the Leafs picked Sutherland from the North Stars. The Leafs dropped Duane Rupp from their protected list, and the North Stars claimed him as compensation for the loss of Sutherland. The North Stars added Parker MacDonald to their protected list.



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