Saturday, October 27, 2012

1964 NHL Intra-League Draft

The 1964 NHL Intra-League Draft took place on June 10, the day after the Inter-League Draft. Note that Boston and New York, being at the bottom of the league standings at the end of the '63-'64 season and having failed to qualify for the playoffs, each had 'bonus' picks at the beginning of the first round. The price for each pick was $20,000 (US) and each team protected two goaltenders and 18 skaters.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFromPlayer Removed
From Protected List
Round 1
passBoston Bruins
1Jim MikolNew York RangersBoston BruinsBob Woytowich
2Bob WoytowichBoston BruinsNew York RangersWayne Maxner
passNew York Rangers
3Gary BergmanDetroit Red WingsMontreal CanadiensAl Langlois
4Dickie MooreToronto Maple LeafsMontreal CanadiensGerry Ehman
passChicago Black Hawks
passMontreal Canadiens
Round 2
5Murray HallDetroit Red WingsChicago Black HawksBob Dillabough
Round 3
6George GardnerDetroit Red WingsBoston BruinsTerry Sawchuk
7Terry SawchukToronto Maple LeafsDetroit Red WingsGerry Cheevers

Friday, October 26, 2012

1968 NHL Intra-League Draft

By request here are the results of the 1968 NHL Intra-League Draft, held June 12. Each team protected 14 skaters and two goalies, and the draft price was $30,000.

The protected lists were as follows:

Boston BruinsChicago Black HawksDetroit Red WingsLos Angeles KingsMinnesota North StarsMontreal Canadiens
Gerry CheeversDenis DeJordyRoger CrozierGerry DesjardinsChuck GoddardRogie Vachon
Eddie JohnstonDave DrydenRoy EdwardsWayne RutledgeCesare ManiagoGump Worsley
Don AwreyDennis HullRon AndersonBryan CampbellDave BalonRalph Backstrom
Johnny BucykBobby HullBobby BaunBill FlettAndre BoudriasJean Beliveau
Wayne CashmanDoug JarrettGary BergmanBrent HughesWayne ConnellyYvan Cournoyer
Gary DoakChico MakiAlex DelvecchioTed IrvineRay CullenDick Duff
Phil EspositoWayne MakiKent DouglasEddie JoyalBill GoldsworthyJohn Ferguson
Ted GreenGilles MarotteRon HarrisSkip KrakeDanny GrantTerry Harper
Ken HodgePit MartinGordie HoweGod LabossiereClaude LaroseTed Harris
John McKenzieStan MikitaNick LibettReal LemieuxMilan MarcettaJacques Laperriere
Glen SatherDoug MohnsBruce MacGregorLowell MacDonaldBob McCordJacques Lemaire
Eddie ShackEric NesterenkoFrank MahovlichPoul PopielJ.P. PariseHenri Richard
Dallas SmithJim PappinDean PrenticeDoug RobinsonJim PateronBobby Rousseau
Fred StanfieldBobby SchmautzPete StemkowskiDale RolfeBill PlagerSerge Savard
Ed WestfallPat StapletonJim WatsonBill WhiteBob WoytowichGilles Tremblay
Tom WilliamsKen Wharram Bob WallMike McMahonJ.C. Tremblay
New York RangersOakland SealsPhiladelphia FlyersPittsburgh PenguinsSt. Louis BluesToronto Maple Leafs
Eddie GiacominCharlie HodgeDoug FavellLes BinkleyGlenn HallJohnny Bower
Gilles VillemureGary SmithBernie ParentJoe DaleySeth MartinBruce Gamble
Arnie BrownJohn BrennemanDick CherryLou AngottiAl ArbourRon Ellis
Reg FlemingLarry CahanGary DornhoeferJohn ArbourRed BerensonPaul Henderson
Rod GilbertNorm FergusonJean GauthierAndy BathgateCraig CameronBryan Hextall
Phil GoyetteStan FullerEarl HeiskalaLeo BoivinTerry CrispLarry Hillman
Vic HadfieldTed HampsonJim JohnsonWally BoyerDarryl EdestrandTim Horton
Wayne HillmanBilly HarrisForbes KennedyVal FonteyneLarry KeenanDave Keon
Harry HowellBill HickeAndre LacroixEarl IngarfieldAb McDonaldMurray Oliver
Orland KurtenbachGary JarrettJohn MiszukGeorge KonikNoel PicardPierre Pilote
Don MarshallBert MarshallSimon NoletDunc McCallumBarclay PlagerMarcel Pronovost
Jim NeilsonTracy PrattLeon RochefortKeith McCrearyBob PlagerBob Pulford
Bob NevinDoug RobertsBrit SelbyNoel PriceRejean RicherDuane Rupp
Jean RatelleGeorge SwarbrickBill SutherlandJean PronovostJim RobertsFloyd Smith
Rod SeilingBryan WatsonEd Van ImpeKen SchinkelGary SabourinNorm Ullman
Ron StewartHowie YoungJoe WatsonGene UbriacoRon SchockMike Walton

The draft results:

OverallPlayer ChosenByFromPlayer Removed
From Protected List
Claim player
or cash
Round 1
1Carol VadnaisOakland SealsMontreal CanadiensLarry CahanclaimClaude Provost
2Brian ConacherDetroit Red WingsToronto Maple LeafsGary MarshclaimGeorge Armstrong
3Charlie BurnsPittsburgh PenguinsOakland SealsGeorge KonikclaimBrian Perry
4Larry MickeyToronto Maple LeafsNew York RangersLarry HillmanclaimLarry Jeffrey
5Larry HillmanMinnesota North StarsNew York RangersBill PlagerclaimCamille Henry
6Jacques PlanteSt. Louis BluesNew York RangersSeth MartincashBob Jones
passLos Angeles
7Ron BuchananPhiladelphia FlyersBoston BruinsJean GauthierclaimTed Hodgson
passChicago Black Hawks
passBoston Bruins
passNew York Rangers
passMontreal Canadiens
Round 2
8Fern RivardMinnesota North StarsPhiladelphia FlyersChuck GoddardcashDon Blackburn
9Myron StankewiczSt. Louis BluesLos Angeles KingsRejean RichercashDave Amadio
Round 3
10Larry HalePhiladelphia FlyersMinnesota North StarsBill SutherlandclaimBill Collins
Round 4
11Bill SutherlandToronto Maple LeafsMinnesota North StarsDuane RuppclaimParker MacDonald

The big news this year was Oakland's picking Carol Vadnais first overall. Supposedly Montreal 'gifted' Vadnais to Oakland by leaving him off the protected list in lieu of another player the Seals wouldn't have wanted. The price of this courtesy—again, supposedly—was that the Seals sent their first and second round picks in 1973's amateur draft to the Canadiens for the Canadiens' second round pick in '72 and the right to draft Vadnais. I can't find any period sources to substantiate this.

As you can see Larry Hillman and Bill Sutherland had busy days. Within the span of minutes Hillman was claimed by the Rangers from the Leafs when the Leafs dropped him from their protected list to make room for Larry Mickey, and then was picked by the North Stars from the Rangers. Sutherland was similarly dropped by the Flyers, claimed by the North Stars and picked by the Maple Leafs.

George Konik, the player claimed from the Penguins after the Penguins picked Burns, never played in the NHL again. He chose 'retirement' over playing for the Seals. He had a college degree (he played hockey at the University of Denver) and an off-season job in Minnesota, so he chose to pursue that career instead. He played in the 'amateur' USHL and for the U.S. national team, having become a naturalized citizen. His last pro hockey was played in the '72-'73 season for the WHA's Minnesota Fighting Saints.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

1965 NHL Intra-League Draft

The 1965 NHL Intra-League Draft took place on June 9, the day after the Inter-League Draft. Several players involved in the Inter-League Draft and other transactions on the 8th of June were moved as part of the Intra-League Draft proceedings the very next day.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFromPlayer Removed
From Protected List
Round 1
1Gerry CheeversBoston BruinsToronto Maple LeafsJack Norris
2Earl IngarfieldNew York RangersMontreal Canadiens
passToronto Maple Leafs
3Pat StapletonChicago Black HawksToronto Maple LeafsBryan Watson
 passMontreal Canadiens 
4Bryan WatsonDetroit Red WingsChicago Black HawksButch Paul
Round 2
5Poul PopeilBoston BruinsChicago Black Hawks
Round 3
6Norm SchmitzBoston BruinsMontreal Canadiens
Round 3
7Keith WrightBoston BruinsNew York Rangers

Earl Ingarfield, Pat Stapleton, Bryan Watson and Keith Wright were each moved twice in the span of a day. Ingarfield went from being Rangers' property to the Canadiens and back to Rangers, Stapleton went from the Bruins to Maple Leafs to Black Hawks, Watson went from the Canadiens to the Black Hawks to the Red Wings, and Wright went from the Canadiens to Rangers to Bruins.

Some trivia for you: Arthur Stewart "Butch" Paul, the player the Red Wings dropped from their protected list when they claimed Bryan Watson, was killed less than a year later in a car crash. He died Friday, March 25, 1966 while driving home from a CPHL game in Memphis against the Tulsa Oilers.

1965 NHL Inter-League Draft

The 1965 Inter-League Draft was held on Tuesday, June 8. The draft price was $20,000. Three of the draft choices were so-called "bookkeeping" choices, in which the NHL club claimed a player from one of their own farm teams. In effect the NHL team would be paying their own farm club.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFrom
Round 1
1Claude DufourBoston BruinsHershey Bears (AHL)
(Montreal Canadiens)
2Don SimmonsNew York RangersRochester Americans (AHL)
(Toronto Maple Leafs)
3Larry JohnstonToronto Maple LeafsTulsa Oilers (CPHL)
(Toronto Maple Leafs)
4Ernie WakelyChicago Black HawksQuebec Aces (AHL)
(Montreal Canadiens)
5Norm SchmitzMontreal CanadiensOmaha Knights (CPHL)
(Montreal Canadiens)
6Pat HanniganDetroit Red WingsBuffalo Bisons (AHL)
(Chicago Black Hawks)
Round 2
7Glen SatherBoston BruinsPittsburgh Hornets (AHL)
(Detroit Red Wings)
8Larry MickeyNew York RangersSt. Louis Braves (CPHL)
(Chicago Black Hawks)
9Keith WalshMontreal CanadiensPittsburgh Hornets (AHL)
(Detroit Red Wings)
10Irv SpencerDetroit Red WingsPittsburgh Hornets (AHL)
(Detroit Red Wings)
Round 3
11Keith WrightNew York RangersCleveland Barons (AHL)
(Montreal Canadiens)
12Dunc McCallumDetroit Red WingsVancouver Canucks (WHL)
(New York Rangers)

The day also featured several trades and a couple waiver claims, which overshadowed the draft proceedings a bit.

Before the draft the Red Wings claimed Don McKenney off waivers from the Maple Leafs and the Rangers claimed Bill Knibbs off waivers from the Bruins. Each of these transactions carried a $30,000 price.

The Canadiens traded Cesare Maniago and Gary Peters earlier in the day to the Rangers for Earl Ingarfield, Gord Labossiere, Dave McComb, Noel Price and $10,000. (Ingarfield was left exposed in the Intra-League Draft the following day and was reclaimed by the Rangers.)

Meanwhile the Maple Leafs traded Ron Stewart to the Bruins for Orland Kurtenbach, Andy Hebenton and Pat Stapleton. (Stapleton was left exposed in the Intra-League Draft and taken by the Black Hawks.)

After the Inter-League Draft and before the protected lists for the Intra-League Draft had to be submitted the Canadiens completed another trade, sending Bryan Watson to the Black Hawks for Don Johns and $30,000. (Watson was dropped off the Black Hawks' protected list during the Intra-League Draft and was claimed by the Red Wings.)

1971 NHL Inter-League Draft

The 1971 Inter-League Draft was held June 7. It was a short affair, with only four teams exercising picks. All other teams passed.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFrom
1Gary KurtCalifornia Golden SealsCleveland Barons (AHL)
2Andy BrownDetroit Red WingsBaltimore Clippers (AHL)
3Andy SpencerVancouver CanucksTidewater Wings (AHL)
4Jim McLeodSt. Louis BluesPortland Buckaroos (WHL)

1969 NHL Reverse Draft

The 1969 Reverse Draft, where WHL and AHL teams were allowed to pick players from the NHL teams, was held June 12. The results were as follows. Where applicable I have noted the minor-league affiliate (or national team) the player had played for the previous season.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFrom
Round 1
1Germain GagnonSalt Lake Golden EaglesMontreal Canadiens
(Houston Apollos [CHL])
2Bill YoungPhoenix RoadrunnersChicago Black Hawks
(Greensboro Generals [EHL])
3Wilf MartinDenver SpursMontreal Canadiens
(Cleveland Barons [AHL])
4Noel PriceSpringfield KingsPittsburgh Penguins
5Rene DroletQuebec AcesPhiladelphia Flyers
(Quebec Aces [AHL])
6Dunc McCallumProvidence RedsPittsburgh Penguins
7Doug VolmarSan Diego GullsDetroit Red Wings
(U.S. National Team)
8Gary KurtCleveland BaronsNew York Rangers
(Omaha Knights [CHL])
9Gary BaumanVancouver CanucksMinnesota North Stars
(Memphis South Stars [CHL])
10Jean LapointeHershey BearsPhiladelphia Flyers
(Quebec Aces [AHL])
11Pierre PiloteBuffalo BisonsToronto Maple Leafs
12Billy OrrRochester AmericansNew York Rangers
(New Haven Blades [EHL]
13Jerry LafondSeattle TotemsOakland Seals
(Providence Reds [AHL])
Round 2
14Rick PagnuttiSalt Lake Golden EaglesLos Angeles Kings
(Springfield Kings [AHL])
15Peter McDuffePhoenix RoadrunnersChicago Black Hawks
(Greensboro Generals [EHL])
16Jacques CaronDenver SpursLos Angeles Kings
(Denver Spurs [WHL])
17Bob SneddonSpringfield KingsMontreal Canadiens
(Quebec Aces [AHL])
18Roger PelletierQuebec AcesPhiladelphia Flyers
(Quebec Aces [AHL])
19Kevin O'SheaSan Diego GullsNew York Rangers
(Canadian National Team)
20Jean GauthierCleveland BaronsBoston Bruins
21Jack StanfieldVancouver CanucksChicago Black Hawks
(San Diego Gulls [WHL])
22Jean-Guy GrattonHershey BearsMontreal Canadiens
(Trois-Rivières Maple Leafs [Quebec Jr. A])
23Camille HenryBuffalo BisonsSt. Louis Blues
Round 3
24Galen HeadSalt Lake Golden EaglesDetroit Red Wings
(Johnstown Jets [EHL])
25John WrightPhoenix RoadrunnersToronto Maple Leafs
(University of Toronto [CIAU])
26Georges GuilbaultDenver SpursSt. Louis Blues
(Kansas City Blues [CHL])
Round 4
27Doug SheltonDenver SpursMinnesota North Stars1

1. Doug Shelton was traded to the North Stars by the Black Hawks May 6, 1969 to complete the trade for Andre Boudrias and Mike McMahon (Feb. 14, 1969)

1969 NHL Intra-League Draft

The 1969 NHL Intra-League Draft was held June 11. Each team protected 14 skaters and two goalies, and the draft price was $30,000.

The protected lists:

Boston BruinsChicago Black HawksDetroit Red WingsLos Angeles KingsMinnesota North StarsMontreal Canadiens
Gerry CheeversDenis DeJordyRoger CrozierGerry DesjardinsCesare ManiagoRogie Vachon
Eddie JohnstonJack NorrisRoy EdwardsWayne RutledgeFern RivardGump Worsley
Don AwreyDennis HullBobby BaunBryan CampbellBob BarlowRalph Backstrom
Johnny BucykBobby HullGary BergmanBill FlettRay CullenJean Beliveau
Wayne CashmanDoug JarrettCarl BrewerDennis HextallSandy FitzpatrickYvan Cournoyer
Gary DoakChico MakiWayne ConnellyBrent HughesPete GoeganJohn Ferguson
Phil EspositoGilles MarotteAlex DelvecchioBill InglisBill GoldsworthyTerry Harper
Ted GreenPit MartinKent DouglasTed IrvineDanny GrantTed Harris
Ken HodgeRay McKayRon HarrisEddie JoyalClaude LaroseJacques Laperriere
Jim LorentzMike McMahonGordie HoweSkip KrakeJohn MiszukJacques Lemaire
Don MarcotteStan MikitaNick LibettRoss LonsberryJ. P. PariséClaude Provost
John McKenzieDoug MohnsBruce MacGregorLeon RochefortTom PolanicHenri Richard
Derek SandersonJim PappinFrank MahovlichDale RolfeTom ReidBobby Rousseau
Dallas SmithPaul ShmyrGarry MonahanEddie ShackDarryl SlySerge Savard
Fred StanfieldPat StapletonHank MonteithBob WallBrian D. SmithGilles Tremblay
Ed WestfallKen WharramPete StemkowskiBill WhiteTom WilliamsJ. C. Tremblay
New York RangersOakland SealsPhiladelphia FlyersPittsburgh PenguinsSt. Louis BluesToronto Maple Leafs
Ed GiacominCharlie HodgeDoug FavellLes BinkleyGlenn HallBruce Gamble
Gilles VillemureGary SmithBernie ParentJoe DaleyJacques PlanteAl Smith
Dave BalonBob DillaboughSerge BernierJohn ArbourAl ArbourWayne Carleton
Arnie BrownGerry EhmanMike ByersDoug BarrieRed BerensonRon Ellis
Bill FairbairnNorm FergusonReggie FlemingCharlie BurnsRon BuchananPaul Henderson
Rod GilbertTed HampsonJean-Guy GendronCraig CameronClaude CardinTim Horton
Vic HadfieldBill HickeWayne HillmanBryan HextallPhil GoyetteDan Johnson
Al HamiltonHarry HowellJim JohnsonKeith McCrearyAb McDonaldDave Keon
Orland KurtenbachEarl IngarfieldAndre LacroixTracy PrattNoel PicardJim McKenny
Real LemieuxGary JarrettRalph MacSweynJean PronovostRoger PicardMurray Oliver
Don MarshallMike LaughtonGerry MeehanDuane RuppBarclay PlagerBob Pulford
Jim NeilsonBert MarshallRosie PaiementKen SchinkelBob PlagerPat Quinn
Bob NevinBrian PerryDick SarrazinRon SchockBill PlagerBrit Selby
Jean RatelleDoug RobertsBill SutherlandBill SpeerJim RobertsNorm Ullman
Rod SeilingGene UbriacoEd Van ImpeBryan WatsonGary SabourinMike Walton
Ron StewartCarol VadnaisJoe WatsonBob WoytowichFrank St. MarseilleRon Ward

The draft results:

OverallPlayer ChosenByFromPlayer Removed
From Protected List
Claim player
or cash
Round 1
1Dick SentesMinnesota North StarsMontreal CanadiensBrian SmithcashDick Duff
2Tony EspositoChicago Black HawksMontreal CanadiensJack NorrisclaimPete Mahovlich
3Glen SatherPittsburgh PenguinsBoston BruinsBill SpeerclaimBarry Wilkins
4Matt RavlichDetroit Red WingsChicago Black HawksKent DouglascashEric Nesterenko
 passLos Angeles Kings 
5Larry HillmanPhiladelphia FlyersMontreal CanadiensJean-Guy GendronclaimJohn Vanderburg
passOakland Seals
6Andre BoudriasSt. Louis BluesChicago Black HawksRoger PicardcashBobby Schmautz
7Marv EdwardsToronto Maple LeafsPittsburgh PenguinsAl SmithclaimNick Harbaruk
passNew York Rangers
passBoston Bruins
8Larry MickeyMontreal CanadiensToronto Maple LeafsJohn VanderburgcashFloyd Smith
Round 2
9Grant EricksonMinnesota North StarsBoston BruinsSandy FitzpatrickcashStan Gilbertson
10Lou AngottiChicago Black HawksSt. Louis BluesBobby SchmautzclaimIan Campbell
11Dean PrenticePittsburgh PenguinsDetroit Red WingsCharlie BurnscashPoul Popeil
12Ron AndersonSt. Louis BluesLos Angeles KingsIan CampbellcashGord Labossiere
Round 3
13Charlie BurnsMinnesota North StarsPittsburgh PenguinsPete GoegancashForbes Kennedy
14Bob BlackburnPittsburgh PenguinsNew York RangersForbes KennedyclaimGuy Trottier
15Wayne MakiSt. Louis BluesChicago Black HawksClaude CardincashJean-Paul Leblanc
Round 4
16Howie MenardChicago Black HawksLos Angeles KingsJean-Paul LeblanccashHowie Hughes

Saturday, October 20, 2012

1969 NHL Inter-League Draft

The 1969 Inter-League Draft was held June 10. The draft price was the same $15,000 as it had been before.

OverallPlayer ChosenByFrom
Round 1
1Darryl SlyMinnesota North StarsVancouver Canucks (WHL)
2Bill SaundersChicago Black HawksPortland Buckaroos (WHL)
3Nick HarbarukPittsburgh PenguinsVancouver Canucks (WHL)
4Chuck HamiltonDetroit Red WingsHershey Bears (AHL)
5Bob BarlowPhiladelphia FlyersVancouver Canucks (WHL)
6Jerry LafondOakland SealsProvidence Reds (AHL)
7Bob PateMontreal CanadiensDenver Spurs (WHL)
Round 2
8Sandy McGregorPittsburgh PenguinsBaltimore Clippers (AHL)


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